It is a special-purpose server on a network specifically designed and configured to withstand attacks. In the corporate environment, we have a bastion host that allows ssh access with Yubikey. In other words, ssh login will not work when malware or attacker has stolen your passphrase and ssh keys as they can not insert YubiKey and press the button on it to complete OTP for ssh keys. In both cases, you need to insert your YubiKey (or any FIDO2 compatible hardware key) into a USB port and complete the authentication. To avoid this mess, we can protect our ssh keys stored on local dev/desktop machines using physical security keys such as YubiKey. If your keys are stolen, an attacker can get access to all of your cloud servers, including backup servers. Unfortunately, you are not protecting ssh keys stored on a local desktop or dev machine at $HOME/.ssh/ directory. Once copied, you can now login to those servers without a password as long as ssh keys are matched. Then you copy your public ssh key to a remote cloud server. For example, say you have a server at Linode or AWS. Uses public and private key cryptography.All Linux and Unix servers are managed manually or by automation tools such as Ansible using ssh.

Injection molded, crush resistant and water resistant body. Made in USA or Sweden and packaged in tamper-evident, safety sealed packaging. Slips easily onto a key ring or in your wallet so you always have access when you need it. With no batteries or network connectivity required, authenticate anywhere. YubiKey Bio Series supports biometric authentication using fingerprint recognition.

The YubiKey Bio Series does not work with LastPass. LastPass users please note you will need a YubiKey 5 Series key. It works with Google Chrome or any FIDO-compliant application on Windows, Mac OS or Linux and with applications that provide FIDO or FIDO2 support through Chrome, Firefox, or Edge browsers. The YubiKey Bio Series is FIDO and FIDO2 certified.